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What is knowledge?

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What is knowledge?
According knowledge classify by OECD, knowledge in knowledge economy mean know what, know why, know how and know-who. Besides, knowledge mean widely which can be share and communicate experiences and systemized structure information or known uncertain things, it exist various style, exist everywhere. It own know what, know why, know how, know who, know when, know quantity and know quality, etc. so called 6W2Q characters. Knowledge is ability of transfer data and information into action.
Definition of knowledge
Knowledge can primarily be described as something the makes both data and information manageable. From data you can extract meaningful and useable information from large amount of data, the thing that makes this all possible is knowledge.
Knowledge is an amount of information that is necessary to function and achieve. What this information is, it is difficult to say in advance. It is however important that this information is easily accessible within the organization and accessible for everyone. (R.P. uit Beijerse, 2000)
Knowledge is – besides information – the capacity to make information from data and to transform it into useful and meaningful information. It is the capacity with which one thinks creatively, interprets and acts. With regard to knowledge in business, one could think of tapping into and developing that at which people are good, including what are called their core skills or core competencies.
Knowledge is an attitude. It is attitude that makes people want to think, interpret and act. Within organizations it is, with regard to the factor attitude, important for example to stimulate people’s curiosity and inclination to innovate. One speaks these days in this case of internal entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship.
In short, we can say that knowledge is characterized by information, a capacity and an attitude with regard to the optimum use of knowledge, it is important that all three of these factors are given equal and sufficient attention. Three facets of knowledge, Looked at in this way, knowledge is the result of a multitude of factors: experience, skills, culture, character, personality, feelings, etc. (R.P. uit Beijerse, 2000)

台長: 麻辣大學老師
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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