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2005-03-04 18:17:27| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

something wrapped out the surface

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learning, is something we experience every day.
as I walk down the street, thoughts and ideas flow to my mind that are too fast for me to catch.

dreams, are remained in any individuals, are never too small, too big, too hard to believe.

there are times I think of myself, how come I could be so addicted in doing something and finally end up I don't get stuff done on time.
I free myself in internet and also indulge in food.
how sad the story could be.

it's been a while I become tired when it approaches to 12 a.m.
I turn myself hopping to bed and have a light on since I plan to wake up in the middle of the nights (well I shall say it's early in the next morning).

my life style has been changing in a direction, which I never thought about it would happened.
shower is not a daily thing. not the most joyful thing to do before going to bed. it used to be...
wake up early is not what I planned, it just is happened.
how much more I could comment.
how about that?!

"confusion, is like someone closes the door with force, meaning 'slamming,' which shocks ourselve days on the earth."

what you wanna be, be what you wanna be.
no regret remained, followed, existed; stretch arms out to hold anything dropped from the top.
joy will be brought by tears and sweats.
"what you wanna be, go for it. seeing yourself no difference and no defense from what you wanna be. you will be what you wanna be soon."

台長: 尚未設定
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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