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Someone once said ...

a dream must to be spoken so that it could become true.

If this statement is a truth, I wouldn't let my dream gone this time.

I say...

I want to go back to Taiwan and celebrate both Christmas and New Year there!

I am so afraid of missing this dream again, just like last one.

My last dream, to go to Mayday's 2003 concert, is the first real dream in my whole life.  

and I missed it.

I couldn't believe I did and it was very depressing, just like I found out at the same time that I couldn't control my own life.

I thought I run my life until they sent my to New York in 2003.

Missing this dream was not because of their decision.

It was me. I didn't make a decision.

I loose it, my dream, now becoming my regret.

And I can't afford the weight of my regret again.

You don't know how heavy it is and how long you will take it with you.

Because.... you aren't me.   

I gotta make my own decision and get my life back to my hand.

Here is my plan.

I want to go back to Taiwan in late December when this semester ends.

and come to NY to take the CPA exam in early Febuary.

Will stay in NY for Chinese New Year, and go back to Taiwan again to find my answer

for the question that where do I want to spend the next 5 years.

Another question that I really need to think about is that...

What is Accounting?

I asked the same question before I choose Accounting as my major.

While understanding those rules and financial statements, I tought I got the answer.

Then, it comes out the same question when I am graduated and trying to find a job.

What is Accounting?

or should I ask it in this way, what is Accountant?

I hope Accountant is not merely a server for the rich......




台長: 深夜上線的Caroline
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: Caroline沒瞎扯 |

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