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2005-07-02 01:43:47| 人氣46| 回應0 | 下一篇


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Lately i'm thinking why there are always some people coming to and leaving from our life.
It seems that people have to say numerous"goodbye"to others ...
of course i mean a long separation

Last year my friend moved to NYC n she will be back TW this summer.
One of my classmates now will go to the US in few days.
Although we are not the kind of close friends,i still feel a bit ....
i don't know how to depict my feeling exactly...
People surrounding us come n go always in our life,
just like nothing is unchanged.
Once i face a separation, i would wonder if i have missed something ,
as a nice talk with that person or a better friendship between us.
I sometimes would regret that i haven't realize the person very much.
And every separation helps me to cherish the relationships right now...
i think...
so in fact, it's not so bad...right...?
I think that I will get accustomed and adjust to it some day.......
and so that i could be more mature....hee!!

台長: sunshine
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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