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2003-06-22 17:53:58| 人氣10| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My 1st News, my 1st heart, yet, last love...? (3/2

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Even till now,
When I think of her,
My heart pauses,
My fingers linger above the keyboard,
Whether my eyes are blurred or narrowed,
It didn't matter no more,
For I am looking with my mind,
My heart,
My soul.

I created thought to be the strongest shell,
Yet, she broke it apart with a smile.
Yet... she broke my heart with another.

Days go by,
I thought I moved on,
but often nights I woke up flooded with tears.
It hurts,
She took a part of me,
Now I am only half of what I'm used to be

From head to toe,
A strange connection between two's field,
That touch of her hand is still in mine,
And so is the kiss,
And the intimacy,
Now sealed.
Doesn't mean that the feelings would go away,
But will always be there,
Not in the present,
Not in the past,
But alone with my mind,
My heart,
My soul.

台長: mrchildren
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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