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2006-03-22 04:31:23| 人氣15| 回應0 | 上一篇


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a friend like to write in englishevery much.and her english has reach 6 级(不会英文了,用汉语代替,丢人了).so i also write in english today.it seems that she like to 欺负 us so much whose english have not reach 2级 yet.i can hardly understand what she wrote in english.
i’m going to take a 高tast(又丢人了,是高考) .there is only 70 days leave for me . i will do my best to prepare for it.but it seemsthat i can’t live in my best condition(这个单词是不是状态的意思了?我忘了诶)。
hehe(是呵呵) 。i won’t go on writing,because i lost my face too much(我太丢人了)。when my english pass 6级,i will write articals day by day.

台長: 米兰米兰
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