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2004-06-09 20:46:09| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I remember one of my quotations
'Once a friend, always a friend'
Despite those dreadful nightmares
I am still tenacious to my belief
Even though there're sayings that
Friendship is just a game of manipulations
I still hold on optimistically
Looking at things from a kaleidoscope
Reflecting on each and every surface
It creates a more beautiful picture
Despite of what lies in reality
As long as it makes me happy
Even if every drop of essence in friendship
Has completely been drained away from me
I'd still stay the same
If only you remember that I exist
When you need a hand to grip
I'd be happy enough to give
No matter how much I worth
As giving is the essence of happiness.

p/s: Lih, thank you so much!

台長: merlin
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