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2002-07-11 04:53:17| 人氣57| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Giuliani divorce

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Former Mayor of New York City Giuliani Divorce
Well, he got a girlfriend in may 2000 but he got married with his "ex-wife" 16 years ago. Since his affair became a public issue, Rudolph Giuliani and Donna Hanover has started to settle divorce. They made a out-of-court divorce settlement that Giuliani has to pay $6.8 million and the marriage goes to the end. They have two children. One is 16-year-old and the other is 12-year-old.

Giuliani became famous because he was the mayer leading the city through the 911 attacks. It's unfair that Giuliani sued hanover for divorce first in October 2002. Giuliani charged Hanover with "cruel and inhuman treatment" and then Hanover struck back with the same claim in June 2001.

That this news showed on the entainment catagory is very funny. It's nothing about politics or society. He was a hero in my memory but not any more.

台長: Magic
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