讀 經:馬可福音10:13-16
金 句:「讓小孩子到我這裡來,不要禁止他們。」(馬可福音10:14)
多年以前,宣教士羅柏特‧默非(Robert Moffat)學到了不可忽視小孩的重要性的一課。有一次,因為天氣不好,來參加他的聚會的人很少。雖然他有點兒挫折感,但還是繼續的講道,並沒有注意到旁邊有個小男孩正玩弄著管風琴。默非還沒講完呢,這個小男孩就已經決定將來要成為一位宣教士。他的名字叫做大衛‧李文斯頓(David Livingstone),長大之後,他成為去非洲傳道的第一代宣教士。
你甚至不會忽視嬰孩。 Stratton
The Kingdom Is For Kids
Read: Mark 10:13-16
Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them. --Mark 10:14
"No children please!" These words are seldom voiced, but they're often assumed when we are invited to hear a prominent speaker, teacher, or leader. The assumption is that children wouldn't know what's going on and they might annoy the speaker.
In Mark 10:13-16, the Lord's disciples made a similar assumption about children and Jesus. But He was displeased when His disciples rebuked parents who brought their little ones to be blessed. Jesus knew that children, with their receptive hearts, were closest to His kingdom.
Many years ago, missionary Robert Moffat learned the importance of not overlooking children. Only a few people had come to one of his meetings because of bad weather. Although disheartened, he preached his message, not noticing a small boy who was operating the bellows of the organ. Before Moffat was finished, that boy had decided to become a missionary. His name was David Livingstone, who grew up to become God's pioneering servant in Africa.
We as parents, school teachers, church workers, and neighbors must never overlook the children whom God puts into our lives. Remember, the kingdom of God is for children too. --JEY
You took the children on Your knee,
And Lord, You blessed them all;
No wayward child too bad could be,
No infant was too small. --Stratton
Invest in the future--lead a child to Christ.
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