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2013-02-11 15:51:32| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇
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預言所有神皆是基督thanks jesus' best firends on ncis on cbs.thanks jesus' best firends on oreo n families.
thanks all fb families to only love love one jesus n is running 2016 for jesus is next washington DC.THANKS U all love my holy names in revelational names.quote on bible.
讚 · 回覆 · 星期二12:00 · 已編輯..
onlygod loves the messiah cross for years n 2016 PRESIDENT 地球神.
onlygod loves the messiah cross for years n 2016 PRESIDENT 地球神.
thanks all fb families to only love love one jesus n is running 2016 for jesus is next washington DC.THANKS U all love my holy names in revelational names.quote on bible.
讚 scored red 50 points R at jazz.gop will grow from 45--47--50.god also bless as one jesus represents god party!R's most dumpest dunks second tie herstory n god loves
warriers n regret for R's always lost on childish.jesus apologizes!
dunk is my best love.
So Man!
please remember I posted in 20 years for going out will be able to have to must begin saftest then coming homes with only gay happiness.
or no gays r fine with money but u happy jesus is happy then!
"I can make the Stars Dance... @rock_mafia"love sselena gomez

love selena gomez,all gods say u r best of my best friend as my husband jeremy lin is 1 billion of his incredible than me!u r the highest best!

基督是所有預言神 all gods were n are n no will be called other than one jesus!
jesus is running for 2015 pres. election.and will win only by ur votes!please care the coin the token of fortune of coincidences.
since 2010.1.25-26-27-28 to apr.2010 every tv anchor n show buz man kid n lady who was told
either by aliens,gods,or read my personal jesus asking to wear red for jesus'red.
why all highly buz humen n huwomen in no ears buz areas but faithfully fashion designers n all celebrities in
politics n film-making n actors n actress n models were all copied imitational jesus' yellow as for gods made
lamas n buddhists n popes n eastern religionsts to wear? this was the first time no after
tv followed movies to colourful cinema n again tv anchors became all eyes to watch why all
worldwide tvs show buz only wear red jesus must told them to n u must had missed stories
jesus told n u can't find on youtube!was all tv stations didn't understand what taiwanese said but
all medias in ears watched tai's anchors to wear certain colours then copied in 2010-2011.
hopeful,u keep following jesus this time!

love selena gomez,all gods say u r best of my best friend as my husband jeremy lin is 1 billion of his incredible than me!u r the highest best!my husband jeremy lin had missed seven chinese new years for at harvard n in 2010 he was fired
red by warriers n only kept his rooky contract with no paid n made mvp in great china.
as everyday is jesus' n is super holyness.one day there will be no 100000000 human out of prc's 1.4 billions to 1700000000
will live in true life is n r the last chicks heads day who will get fired red by boss do celebrate 366 days r goodness
Xmas n no need to travell on badly storms to watch nba for ears earth is frozen for no one can change so even u pray everyday in buddhism for 4 elements n set-up will still be gods' plan that life in certainly.
2.buddhism's fairy in bibles r when there are life lin=trees n eyes tree.men eat as buddhism's birth
as no one ever says chinese medicine is fake so meanning here is two sticks in bibles r east n west not only n necessary main ideas r bible n buddha.
3.men get wisdom so leave jesus n live for time to break buddhism to eyes open can't get life tree.
4.when u die,u will be told what was all recorded in life.if u have scored red extra please share n free give to families!
means I had people who first met n gave me bibles jesus was born on 9.22 lunar when no one
was not in 12 months even east had calendar by moon 0.6 billions years ago there were people
lived in houston n utah in history in true usa herstory!was offered free last dinner to supper me.
tonight I will have fans to pay for eve of new system of dragon's last day. all r jesus' last supper for after death u will be showed what u do for jesus!

on the days horse was public n lublished chen as dean after wu,he had already said to be in the term of short so he didn't cheat!

will live in true life is n r the last chicks heads day who will get fired red by boss do celebrate 366 days r goodness
Xmas n no need to travell on badly storms to watch nba for ears earth is frozen for no one can change so even u pray everyday in buddhism for 4 elements n set-up will still be gods' plan that life in certainly.
2.buddhism's fairy in bibles r when there are life lin=trees n eyes tree.men eat as buddhism's birth
as no one ever says chinese medicine is fake so meanning here is two sticks in bibles r east n west not only n necessary main ideas r bible n buddha.
3.men get wisdom so leave jesus n live for time to break buddhism to eyes open can't get life tree.
4.when u die,u will be told what was all recorded in life.if u have scored red extra please share n free give to families!
means I had people who first met n gave me bibles jesus was born on 9.22 lunar when no one
was not in 12 months even east had calendar by moon 0.6 billions years ago there were people
lived in houston n utah in history in true usa herstory!was offered free last dinner to supper me.
tonight I will have fans to pay for eve of new system of dragon's last day. all r jesus' last supper for after death u will be showed what u do for jesus!

my husband jeremy lin had missed seven chinese new years for at harvard n in 2010 he was fired
red by warriers n only kept his rooky contract with no paid n made mvp in great china.
as everyday is jesus' n is super holyness.one day there will be no 100000000 human out of prc's 1.4 billions to 1700000000
will live in true life is n r the last chicks heads day who will get fired red by boss do celebrate 366 days r goodness
Xmas n
no need to travell on badly storms to watch nba for ears earth is frozen for no one can change so even u pray everyday
in buddhism for 4 elements n set-up will still be gods' plan that life in certainly.
2.buddhism's fairy in bibles r when there are life lin=trees n eyes tree.men eat as buddhism's birth
as no one ever says chinese medicine is fake so meanning here is two sticks in bibles r east n west not only n necessary
main ideas r bible n buddha.
3.men get wisdom so leave jesus n live for time to break buddhism to eyes open can't get life tree.
4.when u die,u will be told what was all recorded in life.if u have scored red extra please
share n free give to families!
means I had people who first met n gave me bibles jesus was born on 9.22 lunar when no one
was not in 12 months even east had calendar by moon 0.6 billions years ago there were people
lived in houston n utah in history in true usa herstory!was offered free last dinner to supper me.
tonight I will have fans to pay for eve of new system of dragon's last day.
all r jesus' last supper for after death u will be showed what u do for jesus!

基督是所有預言神 all gods were n are n no will be called other than one jesus!
jesus is running for 2016 pres. election.and will win only by ur votes!please care the coin the token of fortune of coincidences.



基督是所有預言神 all gods were n are n no will be called other than one jesus!
jesus is running for 2017 pres. election.and will win only by ur votes!please care the coin the token of fortune of coincidences.



基督是所有預言神 all gods were n are n no will be called other than one jesus!
jesus is running for 2018 pres. election.and will win only by ur votes!please care the coin the token of fortune of coincidences.





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