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2007-11-24 22:41:12| 人氣193| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

fix me

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You’d not been the person worthy of loving.
I can’t throw out any memory of you and just leave things passing in front of me as it has never been strong and hurt.
These days I stood in pains for you’re keeping running my sorrow brain.
There’s no space for someone needing me bitterly because it is you make full of my sad heart. And I, with a hopeless avid of you; all of you, cry for losing day by day.
I can see you clearly at the night. It’s very cruel of the way you talked, turned back, and betray. Your heartless eye contacts drive me far away. I want to be closer again; then every threat and danger show up. I try hard to console my blooding heart but it’s hardly to get the peace. Eager and disappointment mix together, which’s like there’s something rolling inside me and make my heart blooding wet and my eyes tearing fiercely. I’m beside myself to be ok. The situation is just like the melancholy penetrates my every cell again, and I become incontrollable as usual. It wouldn’t stop itself but either could I find out the reason it starts. I don’t even know what’s going on here. How about the guys I supposed to love but actually not? Men can not go with me. Sometimes I got used to defend them if we have been too close. Women are the really staffs; for I delivery my affections naturally, and feel the feeling without scaring. So what’s up here? What’s up me? The coffee caused me drunken because I begin to be dizzy and crazy. I always have lots of works to do, but I can’t do them now. I love you. It is only you know my busy works and my terrible emotions like now.

台長: J


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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

Are you ok?
2008-01-15 13:30:35
ya...i think so
it`s better now
2008-01-15 17:27:47
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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