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2003-06-28 10:28:00| 人氣48| 回應1 | 下一篇


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Hi!, Here are a message from Anti Katy recent as enclosed.Wrote by Rocky.

Dear baby brother Rocky,

I am sorry for not response your e-mail sooner. I was suffered for the seasonal allergy (nasal stuffiness, coughs and fever etc.) Finally, I went to doctor to got the shot. I am fine now except the cough.

Leo and I will go to Buffalo, NY on Thursday and returning on 3rd of June (for his mother's 96th birthday). Leo havn't visits her for more than three years.

It was my pleasure to be able to help you for anything (as long as I can handle it). It always happy to see you in USA every time you visited here. Only wishing you can stay longer and get some more rest. The life is short and we are all working very hard and get to the point then we all need to slow down and retire one day. Again, most important is maint the good health. Thanks again for all your encourgement (I need to move and excrise). I will try my best.

Well, thanks again for always look after our mother. You are a wonderful son and brother as well.

Take care and don't over work yourself. I am looking forward to see you in September.

Love always,

Big sister Katy

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