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2005-02-14 03:59:16| 人氣451| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Not of this earth

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Robbie Williams唱的~爆好聽! 但是聽完之後已淚流滿面....

by Unknown
Not of this Earth
You’ve changed places with the Sun
I know that you’re the one
I love what we’ve become

Not of this earth
I wear you like a shroud
I know I make you proud
You done your crying now

She is not of this earth
And I no longer need to search
If I ever leave this World
You will have a song to sing
So you know what you were

Not of this Earth
She keep walking down my lane
I’ve learned to laugh again
Like a muff to a flame

Not of this Earth
Not surprised we’re unashamed
She’s gonna have to change your name
They will know that we’re the same

She is not of this Earth
And I believed we’ve seen the worst
If I ever leave this world
You will have a song to sing
So you know what you were

(Not of this Earth)
Better get used to the smile
(Not of this Earth)
Gonna be around for awhile
(Not of this Earth)
Spent too much time being cursed
(Not of this Earth)

Not of this Earth
You changed places with the Sun
I know that you’re the one
I love what we’ve become

Not of this earth
I wear you like a shroud
I know I made you proud
(I know I made you proud)
You done your crying now
(Not of this Earth …)

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