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2004-04-08 04:45:00| 人氣399| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Something Important to You at Oberlin

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This year is my second semester at Oberlin, and I am getting to know more about it as well. Oberlin is a college town, apparently it does not get as excite it as a big city, but it has own character. As an Oberlin student, I think the most important thing after the classes is food. The dinning system on campus, as well as its price is not very equitable. I cannot really figure out why the CDS dinning system cannot provide good food for students, and I do not understand why the dinning fee is unreasonably high as well.

In my opinion, the yummiest dinning hall on campus is Saunders. The manager of Saunders is very kind and well-mannered, and it sometimes provides extra main dish, like roasted chicken or chocolate cake, and all you can eat. They do not limit what you get, and they just want you to enjoy the dinner! For special occasions, they decorate the dinning hall, and make a great atmosphere for students. Last Thursday, they gave a candle light dinner, and it was amazing because they surprised the students. They were trying to give students have a nice atmosphere to enjoy the dinner.

Dascomb is very different. It is a crowded dinning hall, and I always feel that the exhaust fan in the central kitchen is not working, because the air in Dascomb is not as clean in Saunders or Stevenson. Dascomb is so messy and crowded during lunch time, and they have not done anything to improve it since last semester; If I have a meal in Dascomb, I need to change my clothes when I get back to my dorm because of the bad smell. If I go to Dascomb during lunch time, I just grab a sandwich for my main dish, because there is no space and time to get a main dish and eat it there.

Stevenson is the biggest dinning hall on campus, and I feel it is the cleanest dinning hall in Oberlin as well. It provides many kinds of food for thousands of students and faculty, and the serving there is all you can eat. To feed everybody enough food, apparently the food must have no taste at all. In fact, the Stevenson dinning hall is only for get filling your stomach and grab some food if you want. Actually, the food there is not good as Saunders.

The De Cafe is the most fun place on campus, but you have to spend your flexible points. If you do not have enough points, you need to pay by cash. I like the sandwich and smoothies bars the most, because the food and beverages are yummy and tasty, especially the sandwiches. You can pick what you like, and I enjoy spending free time there with friends.

Some students think CDS is ok, but most think it terrible. It needs to improve its defects throughout the system. In the famous movie “Harry Potter”, the “Hogwarts” dinning hall has long desks and the candles are floating in mid air, when many of students run into the “Hogwarts” dinning hall, at that time, the atmosphere becomes so attractive and lively. The scene looks so excitement and bustle but jolly. I hope the school can improve the CDS dinning system and feedback students the greatest dinning system in the United States.

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