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2006-11-17 16:40:25| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Fatty bunny!大白兔日記

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If you thought that it’s hard to see the wild animals at urban, you might be wrong. There are three bunnies (I saw three of them at least) running in a big park by the riverside.
One night, I was on the way home and saw one in the shadow. I approached her, but she sensed that someone was near toward her, so she jumped as fast as I could.
Even though I lost her, but ”A wily hare has three burrows”. I know where they usually stay. Haa~
I found another two in the vacant land with weeds beside a parking lot. This place should be the best burrow for their camouflage. If you didnt pay full attention, you would be aware of thier existence.
Around 100 cars is moving around here every day, and they are also jumping here every day. Life is interesting~.

台長: 屋頂上的貓
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