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2012-05-05 01:27:18| 人氣85| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

narrow mind

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When people want to define the relationship with others every time, which means an impulsive action.

In the other word, a real and concrete relationship doesn't need to be defined by ourselves.

Throwing this kind of narrow mind away please.
This behavior sounds scary because you hate somebody before you love him/her.
It also makes you look so envious and emotional.
I don't think it is a good trait for meeting a new friend.

(This moment, right now, there is a good girl reading a book beyond me. I feel so glad.)

People always like a friend who gets the personalities such as positive and vividness.
It seems not fair for you, the one in my imagination.

台長: 外國人


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