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2009-04-13 18:03:26| 人氣239| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Good Guys as Good Bags

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My curtains were finally opened.

There's no sunshine coming in, insteadly, the wetness from the rain-falling sky.

The other night I was just having a little chat with one of my gay friend on line who just ended a realationship with a British man. It was a hard break up and taking lots of his time to heal. The chat is much eaiser now, though there're still landmines hiding.

He's heard around that the opening realationship is very happening now in "Gay Industry". To a boy who just revovered from the pain of breaking up, of course he's not that into that, even terrified by the unmonogamous new realationship rule. 

Somehow, I'm terriffied also.

I believe that there's must be somedody is hiding in the racket city with his gorgeous face and beautuful spirit. But, the only way to meet new friends is going out, having some parties and talk to a expansive guy, then figure out does there any butterfly between each other.

So i assumed, are the monogamy cute guys already taken? Which resulting that there're only slutties fucking around the parties till there's fianlly a good guy who's just breaking up with his lucky boyfriend and rebounding to the market?

All we have to do is standing in line and waiting like expecting the Berkin Bag?   

台長: Mr. Tower
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you always have me standing behind you in line still believeing in LOVE we deserve the next person as much as they deserve to be with us
2010-03-15 01:57:25
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