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2015-11-11 06:42:05| 人氣411| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

*A decipherability in verbose verbiage verbatim*

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*The original title is "A desirable dexterity for decipherabilityin verbose verbiage verbatim" by Topaz CHIU

What might have prospectively been an impending dysfunctional signof parafunctional retrospection, sui generis, of a flock of robotic cyborgswith a revival of their vibrancy for a full range of recharge of energyreplenishment solution to their wishful thinking as resolutions for staying, ifnot feeding, their long-standing victimhood to grandstanding revelry incontextualization due partially to a lack of amelioration in the alleviation ofmisplacement of an age-old set of battery clusters to the extent of anappalling displacement would have, by a strange quirk of fate, transmogrifiedthemselves into those, sui iuris, whosever paradoxical ideological orthodoxy,sensu stricto, of the contrived conceptions in the subtlety of interconnectednessso inexplicably interwoven as devised in lexical items of the grandiose schemeof things, sensu lato, as if well-orchestrated beforehand should have alreadybeen segregationally segmented as strongly evidenced by their afterglow of fondmemories of pending prematurity in an unexpected acquisition of an artificial systemof ventriloquism with a copious amount of the glamour of grammars, togetherwith, inter alia, a comprehensive data-set package for encryption anddecryption in corresponding parallel with any choreographed move, by a twistand turn of destiny, on or off the bipolarized mind map as a precursor to digitallogophile and/or electronic bibliophile.

Authored by Topaz CHIU on 11 November 2015

台長: 奧利安
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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