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2015-09-10 00:50:55| 人氣271| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A clandestine reminiscence of prospective retrospection

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A collection of concocted yestreen and/or nexterday recollection beyond retrieval that a full retreat of ingenuous siren voices in aria quivering with indigenous quavers for an ingenious octave into a flight of affected affection as recherché fantasy from several retired robotic cyborgs for a quixotic quid pro quo in radical exchange for a serendipitous pursuit of a condescending complex of inferiority proves to be mere repercussions incidental to manifestation manipulated by a vile vibe released, if not radiated,from a discretionary disposal of intuitive instinct intrinsically constructed within an eclectic frame of quicksilver mindset in quizzicality and whimsicality.


Authored by Topaz CHIU on 9 September 2015


台長: 奧利安
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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