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2022-01-08 03:14:05| 人氣4| 回應0
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農村流水席「整桌帝王蟹」網垂涎 當地人搖頭親揭「殘酷缺點」

With more than 30 years of experience in researching, developing, and manufacturing this line product. FT-RF Antennas are lightweight, easy to install, and design for a quick test, with an average gain and factor design and VSWR, can use for outdoor public areas. All our products have RoHs, WEEE compliance.

More than that, Antennas are constructed for all-weather operation, feature sealed collinear brass elements Array inside a durable UV-stable machine White fiberglass radome. Internal re-use waterproof silicone reinforced waterproof. These features allow them to be mounted in up or down positions. Each pcs antenna included a professional waterproofing tape for easy installation to solve the strengthening of water.
We also offer custom-designed antennas, please click <https://horn.ft-rf.com.tw/registration> and fill in our form, OR contact us: info-tw@ft168.com.tw


[周刊王CTWANT] 秋冬之際是品嚐螃蟹最好的季節,不少老饕每年都非常期待這個時期,近日中國福建一處農村的流水席引起關注,因為桌上可以看到滿滿的帝王蟹料理,令人食指大動,不過部分當地人卻認為是缺點,原因也曝光了。




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來自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E8%BE%B2%E6%9D%91%E6%B5%81%E6%B0%B4%E5%B8%AD-%E6%95%B4%E6%A1%8C%E5%B8%9D%

台長: ginaepe4
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