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2005-04-29 19:13:30| 人氣89| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The letters from Seattle~9

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dear sister~

About the transfer thing,i'v been considering for a long time,and i totally understand what you want to say...

The reason why I chose campus was because I wanted to enjoy the real university life in US,and to live in the dome in the beautiful campus;however, I couldn't have these now!
Because the class are begin in 1:30 and end at 5:20, I can do nothing but go to school! And after class, there are always a lot of homework waitting for me.So I do my homework til midnight,and then, get up late next morning.

I feel tird and bored, and everyday seems to be so short but also so long.

This is one of the reansons that I want to transfer.

And I have to say, I don't feel the class here is very good, especially garmmar.=___=

Second, I was planning to attend the downtown class in the beginning in Taiwan,because the class there are more match with my need--business english.
After this cource,when I pass the level 4, I can attend IBEP(intensive business english progrm),and after this,I hope I can stay and attend business for international professionals.
I'v heard that the teachers in this class are the teachers in business school in UW, and that really attract me.

that's it! I finally finish a letter in english!Ha~

Although I don't think my english has been improved a lot in this month,I'm getting use to write and read in english. Happy for myself.:)

hope you happy,too

ps. I can't wait to see the book~^___^~

love(without D) Ping-Huei

台長: 橫向陽光美少女
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