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2018-09-06 12:37:00| 人氣441| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

投對的人 做對的事

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投對的人 做對的事

Vote for a right man to do the right things..







– 投對的人 做對的事 –

Since ten years ago, I have made a vision for Chiayi. Now, we would like to re-invite you to join in us being engaged in reforming this urban plan of Chiayi.
This time, I choose to be back to square one, so I decide to re-plunge into public affairs once again. That’s why I’ll participate in the councilor election this year.

I really hope in the rest of my life I can remain my initial motivation to persist in the aim of civilian politics I have ever advocated since 10 years ago.

There is a will, there is a way. As we are all enthusiastic civilian with a good will and without few lands and businesses to benefit ourselves.

Thus we must be able to come up with something to solve many of the difficulties in Chiayi by proposing policies, laws, budget, and services to persuade others to make a difference to Chiayi.

I believe none of us wants to be a disgusting stateman, meanwhile none of us wants to vote for a disgusting one We didn’t want to, unless we had no better choices.

Chiayi is too old to wait. It is high time to make a difference to Chiayi. There is a will, there is a way to vote for a right man to do the right things.

Therefore, I hope we can gather together for the movement and

fulfillment of civilian politics to make a huge difference to Chiayi.

Right now just right now do it for a better future, for a better Chiayi, ourselves, and for our kids.

IIlustrate our dreams and speak them out.

Persist in constructing a better Chiayi.

Collect the wills of people all and accomplish the things we have always being dreamed.
Choose the right man right to do the right thing.
Make politics different from now on.
In the future we’ll make politics the same as you think.

台長: 凌子楚
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然) | 個人分類: 平民政治 |

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