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共找到6筆符合Norway的資料 搜尋全站»
Sweden: Strolien stationTook train from Trondheim via Strolien to Stockholm, I got few time to  wait the train to south. that was a small station without staffs only few passe......(詳全文)
發表時間:2015-04-19 19:59 | 人氣:547 | 回應:0
world post 020:NorwayNorway posten.挪威的紅色長型郵筒,像是小亭子。總算找到它了:)http://www.posten.no/en/...(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-11-10 20:51 | 人氣:334 | 回應:0
world sky 013in Suomi, Norway and Sweden.當你望著默不可測的大海,你覺得你來到了異域。 夜車到了挪威的領土,等著換車的空檔,在小鎮上晃了一下,小店的光影在雨中蕩漾。隔日的挪威中部......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-05-28 21:56 | 人氣:224 | 回應:0
pitt in the world19- TrondheimTrondheim is the third largest city in Norway. Pitt took a short trip around this silence city.寧靜的公園,鴿子飛舞雕像拉著寧靜的琴音。鋪滿地磚的街道,......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-04-26 16:09 | 人氣:476 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Norway 002I like these cute buildings near the river in Trondheim , Norway....(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-09-06 21:26 | 人氣:22 | 回應:0
2011尋羊冒險記*travels in Norway 001the first stop at Lillestrom in the heavy rainy night, it's very very expensive country, but very natural and beautiful. I bought an expensive "......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-09-06 21:13 | 人氣:159 | 回應:0

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