大家早!今天要分享的是挪威創作歌手Lene Marlin的三首歌。
同樣是那麼甜美純淨的聲音,同樣是詩一般的歌詞,同樣是以吉他鋼琴為主軸的音樂,同樣是喃喃自語般的吟唱,如果說陳綺貞是氣定神閑一臉無辜的深深慢慢刺你一刀,讓你憋著痛著有種快要昏厥似的極度快感,那麼Lene Marlin就像無心般的輕輕抽起你胸口上那把刀,然後迅雷不及掩耳地射回那個傷害你的人,還保持一派優雅。
【Sitting Down Here】(
http://mymedia.yam.com/m/1318183)是讓Lene Marlin揚名國際的曲子,收錄在她第一張專輯【Playing My Game】中,當時她十八歲。世紀末那年,這首歌在士林夜市的大小巷弄裡強力放送,叫你不聽到也難。輕快的旋律聽起來有點像The Corrs的風格般青春溫暖,於是某個心情好的陽光早晨,我開開心心把這張新買的CD放進現在看來很笨重的飛碟形狀隨身聽裡,騎著摩托車想一路哼唱飛揚到學校,可是仔細聽了歌詞之後才發現:不對!這首歌哪是什麼走在陽光裡,根本是在講逝去愛情剪不斷理還亂的憂鬱少女情懷嘛~!頓時有點小小受騙的感覺(明明是因為自己英語聽力不好),而落寞了一天…。不過當然好聽還是好聽的。
You may think that I’m loser
But I don’t really care
You may think that it’s all forgotten
But you should be aware
Cause I’ve learned to get revenge
And I swear you’ll experience that some day
但這張專輯裡最讓我喜歡的歌曲是【Maybe I’ll Go】(
I guess you’re not a stranger
And I can tell you’re not a friend
It might take a while but I guess
You’ll manage waiting till then
Then when you confront me with your thoughts
不過今天要分享的重點歌曲,是收錄在Lene Marlin第二張專輯【Another Day】裡頭的【You Weren’t There】(
http://mymedia.yam.com/m/513735)。我很喜歡這首歌的歌詞,尤其是Lene Marlin採用第三人稱來唱,身為聽眾的我們可以將感情移入任何一個角色裡,淡然中有無窮滋味。
She came home, just won the game
Long time struggle she fulfilled her dream
All she wanted was to make you proud,
You weren’t there
He had his birthday few days ago
He got some presents, a big party too
And there were congratulation calls
As the years before, not ever one from you
You weren’t there, distant, far away
It’s like this every day, they see you in their heads
Wonder if you’ll come
Afraid to close their eyes, and miss you once again
She cut herself on a piece of paper
It didn’t hurt, but she saw the blood
She could need that embrace, you weren’t there
Did he have to cry louder,
Would that’s make you hear him
You see, his heart was broken, for the first time
You weren’t there, distant, far away
It’s like this every day, they see you in their heads
Wonder if you’ll come
Afraid to close their eyes, and miss you once again
Cannot turn back time, a wish yet to come true
They’re making up these stories about you
You weren’t there, distant, far away
It’s like this every day, they see you in their heads
Wonder if you’ll come
Afraid to close their eyes, and miss you once again