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2004-07-01 17:30:44| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Wo..me and yim waiting for long time to watch "Troy", finally today we can watch la...So great, i feel this film is very good, but make me and yim also feel upset, we both feel Prince Hector and Achilles should not die ...they should not !!!! Achilles and Paris also coz Love then give up everything. But why Achilles need die? ...Oh ...also Prince Hector die that moment, i cry ...i feel super sad...so shit...Why always have war? I hate "war"..so much...now Achilles really so good, so strong, seem like never die, but coz love...he die..oh..god...

oh..god..i am no more mood to go out...coz i cannot use money to buy things ...i don't wanna go out..ho fan !!...ai ...also super hot...make me just wanna go out at night yes...

i feel tired...take a break first, coz brother say tonight go to CEO sing k ar..he wanna so much...haha...funny guy...

台長: Emily Olsdal
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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