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2004-06-25 10:09:33| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I wanna shopping ....

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Today need go to school again and again ...back school will know the result of commerce and efb, woo...so great ar...must fail. no more heart to go to school anymore ...SUPER BORING AR .....HELP ...

Yesterday night i meet Anna and sister in Tai Koo, eat dinner..Hha..we have Pizza la..so full...also i buy many yummy food back home...but remember that when i buy many food back home, finally i don't eat them....shit ...i also wanna buy sun glass ga, but seem not good, then i wanna choose another one. Anyway i wanna shopping again ..i wanna ...coz long time haven't crazy shopping la...Hhahaha..i need buy many beautiful go to Thailand and Japan ..Hhaha...

Then yesterday i get my two subject result, one is English, one is Account. Woo...my english done not bad, quite ok ar, then account haven't fail, i feel already enough la...Please ...lift me a hand....commerce don't fail ar!!!!! Please ...

Sunday go to TST have dinner to celebrate my grandfather's birthday, a full of happiness day. Then i can see my youngest cousins, i buy two funny toys for them, one is XO, one is Hello Kitty. so interesting ...

Woo ....mother and father's birthday is coming ...woo...i must no more money to buy things ..>< but should be make them happy..i should...

Hey, winnie, here is Nic's photos, how handsome ?Hhahahah ...love him..

台長: Emily Olsdal
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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