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2004-05-11 21:16:00| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wanna have a trip....

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Woo, today so hot and great that no need test. Coz i haven't study le...HAHAHA...Suddenly i think many many things about our Ethis project, i think the topic, the information..many many ...so great...Hope we can do well.

Wanna our exam be quick finish, then i can go to find a job to do and have a trip in Thailand. I wanna go to Thailand so much, coz i want play water-game. Hope coming summer holiday, aunt will take us go to Thailand, including brother, anna, sister ...Yeah !!Also, Brian in Thailand now, he is a DJ in a bar. OH, my god~ wanna go to find him...

Sunday, brother back la, so we go to airport find him ar~ Must very happy and interesting. Seem like long time no see gum...

你美的讓我失去了自我 我離不開你設的牢籠
天空 也笑我 為愛 沉迷沒有用

夜美的悽涼受盡了折磨 日出不再來世界變沙漠
承認 我沒用 情願 住在漆黑的角落

明天 一樣精采 "勇敢愛" !!

Thom~ love you so much ...

台長: Emily Olsdal
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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