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Jaeger LeCoultre romantic Christmas gift wrist watch Pierre

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Jaeger LeCoultre wrist Pierre romantic Christmas gift


Reverso Cordonnet Duetto wire chain-sided flip ladies watch


whole body inlaid diamonds Reverso Cordonnet Duetto wire chain ladies watch with smooth-sided flip perfect silk chain wrapped around the wrist. Each link multiple diamonds are inlaid to make a circular contour Art Deco style is more mellow. Both sides of the dial contests. Which one is made with lapis lazuli,LV包包, and the use of grain mosaics decorate chamfered to make it light shine. Also a highlight selected natural mother of pearl diamond paved ring made. Two watches combined to 1930s elegance deductive two kinds of time,LV包包, so that the most precious moments of sublimation.


Jaeger LeCoultre wrist Pierre romantic Christmas gift


Rendez Vous Celestial dating series Star watch

 18K white gold case

Rendez Vous Celestial Star watch mildly dating series presented watch beauty and charm. Watch as the stars shining like, bright diamond section extending from the case to the crown and bezel, and finally placed on the corolla composed of numerals. Slender numerals mark has become one of the series, with its sheer contemporary sleek moon dial Glyph curve harmonious echoes, from the ancient tradition of handmade Glyph cover transparent blue paint. Curved hour circle showing the wonders of the beautiful astronomical picture of the material artistically profound and precious lapis lazuli on the disk icon labeled constellation. Star also flying meteor poetic: a diamond set in the second inverted crown, just gently turn, you can rotate the sky disc icon on the constellation personalized adjustments.


Jaeger LeCoultre wrist Pierre romantic Christmas gift


Master Ultra Thin Perpetual Calendar Masters Series ultra-thin watches


slim new Master Ultra Thin Perpetual Calendar watch Masters Series has always followed the simple style, a blend of the classic elements of a large workshop and aesthetic design inspiration. Time display legible, clear, no errors. In addition to the hour, minute and central seconds, the watch also has three specialized counter display calendar: week display at 9 o'clock, date display at 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and then used to display the month. Jaeger-LeCoultre's exclusive signature located beneath the moon phase display.

推薦好文:Hennessy VSOP fourth generation Special Edition co

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