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Held 2013 British Tourism Promotion Fair VisitBritain

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organized by the British Tourist Authority,


UK tourism delegation will work with Chinese travel agents from mainland China and Hong Kong will be one to one business meetings, seminars to enhance the understanding of Chinese industry in the UK and to explore various issues, including visas, including.


UK creative, rich cultural heritage, stunning rural scenery and extraordinary shopping experience are very attractive for Chinese tourists. 2012 Chinese tourists to the UK reached a record of 179,000 people,LV包包, and a record 300 million pounds of consumption. VisitBritain is working to attract 382,000 Chinese tourists visited Britain, and £ 600 million of spending in 2016. This objective is also to highlight the importance of the Tourism Promotion Council.


organized by the British Tourist Authority,


have 43 UK institutions will participate in this year's British Tourism Promotion Fair, which is a number of delegations of up to date, indicating the importance of the Chinese market in the UK travel industry. The delegation included the National Tourism Administration and the local tourism bureau, cities and tourist attractions promotion agencies, travel agencies, hotel groups, major retail groups and professional travel operators (1). British industry and China hopes to further enhance the relationship between the tourism industry, and consumers to improve "GREAT Britain" brand awareness in the Chinese industry, and to encourage Chinese tourists to visit the United Kingdom on vacation.


The delegation is the first time there are 18 agencies participating in promotion, the UK accounted for 42% of the exhibitors, which also reflected from the side of the British tourism industry emphasis on the Chinese market. Currently has direct routes to the UK's two major airlines in China - British Airways and Virgin Atlantic Airways will participate in activities. Five organizations from Scotland to participate in activities,LV包包, to promote Scottish heritage in history, natural scenery and cultural aspects of shopping tourism resources.


organized by the British Tourist Authority,


year VisitBritain launched the "GREAT Britain" activities in China to promote a new meal to the Chinese visitors to the UK increased interest into consumption. In Beijing, East, South and Southwest markets, and the most influential agencies signed a strategic cooperation agreement to develop new products and expand the market. Reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the International Union, so Chinese tourists to travel more convenient in the UK. Through extensive publicity and media and social media to enhance cognitive destination.


VisitBritain overseas operations director Bian Zhan Wen (Keith Beecham) said: "The latest data show that in 2013, total consumption of the UK Chinese tourists in the first six months last year have doubled year on year growth, market development momentum China. UK immigration first became total market consumption ranked first in the Asian market. "


"China has now overtaken the U.S. to become the market first outbound tourism market, the UK also benefited from the face of such rapid development of the market, the UK tourism industry a positive response, this year the size of our UK travel trade fair for Successive largest fully proved this point. With further optimization visa policy this year and the UK opened in Chengdu and from London direct, for us, this is the perfect time in China to promote the UK as a tourist destination. "


About Us


VisitBritain is the UK's National Tourism Administration, responsible for global advocacy and the development of the UK British tourist economy. We are an unofficial public organization, funded by the British Culture, Media and Sport. Our partners in the UK and overseas and collaborative efforts to ensure that the use of charismatic manner global advocacy England. Our partners both government agencies such as UKTI and the British Parliament, but also airlines and travel agencies, and even some international brands, such as the Premier League; meantime, we have, and London, England, Scotland and Wales Official tourism organizations work closely together.


official online sales VisitBritain and England about 150 kinds of products, including travel and transportation, sightseeing tours and attraction tickets. Is a one-stop online shop, so that visitors may not need to queue up at the pre-departure planning a trip and buy products in order to travel in the UK and enjoy the journey.

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