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2004-07-16 05:10:48| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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the meeting today was not that bad. everything was going pretty well, even though i didnt finish all my work (shy). anyway, so right now im kind of like relaxing, listening music and trying to memorize some songs that i like, so that i can probably sing them out loud next time~

a couple minutes ago, i start to think about some problems that people normally wouldn't have unless they are mad bored, which is essence. ive been thinking about it for quite a while...

a lot of times, i would hear people say "nothing is real." certainly, there is no doubt for this sentence at all. however, i wonder the real essence at that certain moment of those who say that nothing is real. i mean generally people just say it without concerning what the heck "being real" is for them. of course, regardless of the ultimate answer/essence of being real is totally acceptable. cuz if we always want to look at the essential side of every single thing, we would probably end up some questions like "whats the essence of burger king," "whats the essence of chou acting so jerky" or "whats the essence of rebecca being fat!"

i could still remember once i talked about the essence of creation with an EE major guy. like i said previously, this guy ended up asking me things like the essence of apple, the essence of banana...etc. of course, he left me speechless, and he also left me in my ignorance. i started asking myself whats the right way to explore the essence.

first, we gotta remember that not everything is worth to be explored its essence; people have to realize only those comprise who they are should be considered into their exploration of the essence. does marriage comprise who you are or who you will be? if yes, go look for its essence then. does fat free italian dressing comprise who you are? if no, just ignore it.

however, the problem is that people generally have no idea what comprise who they truly are. for a young sweet girl, for example, she may thinks that love, fashion or friendship comprise who she is, which this statement may not be very true after a couple years. therefore, if we dun even know what elements comprise who we are before we look for the essene of what comprise us, we would soon get astray. in other words, only those, who know who they are or know what comprise them, are qualified to talk about/look for essence.

im still very confused with this essence problem, of course i haven't come out with a satisfying answer for myself yet. anyway, the above is what ive thought so far with christina aguilera's "dirty!"

台長: -Ning-
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