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2004-07-16 05:42:21


the meeting today was not that bad. everything was going pretty well, even though i didnt finish all my work before i went to the meeting (shy). anyway, so right now im kind of like relaxing, reading ...

2004-07-16 05:14:16


the meeting today was not that bad. everything was going pretty well, even though i didnt finish all my work (shy). anyway, so right now im kind of like relaxing, listening music and trying to memoriz...

2004-07-16 05:12:20


the meeting today was not that bad. everything was going pretty well, even though i didnt finish all my work (shy). anyway, so right now im kind of like relaxing, listening music and trying to memoriz...

2004-07-16 05:10:48


the meeting today was not that bad. everything was going pretty well, even though i didnt finish all my work (shy). anyway, so right now im kind of like relaxing, listening music and trying to memoriz...

2004-07-14 03:36:57
2002-05-09 22:50:01


這一生裏, 你聽過多少句『不介意』? 以前, 你對他說: 『我已經有男朋友了。』他說: 『我不介意。』 你說:『我不能給你全部的愛。』他說: 『我不介意。』 你說: 『我不能常常陪你。』他說: 『我不介意。』 ...

2002-05-03 21:42:32


種種藝術家欲善成惡的苦難,是誰該負責?是藝術家本身人格不健全?還是藝術造成藝術家人格不健全?   這是沒有答案的,不過可以確定的是,正是由於藝術家敏銳的心靈,造成他可以創作出深入人心的作品;但這種敏...

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