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The difference between basketball socks and socks

Many people may think that playing basketball casually is not as strong as the National Basketball Association, and ordinary stockings are enough for sports, but there is still a big difference between elite basketball socks  and ordinary stockings.

Don't believe it's just some stockings, but it's also grown through the years. Not only the size is changing, but the size of the socks has also fully considered the needs of the players, and now many basketball socks are divided into styles, in fact, the main purpose is to protect the feet from falling, anti-wear high heels, and more.

Although thicker basketball socks are easy to use, they are certainly not suitable for everyone, especially those who play for daily commuting. Who would use a pair of socks to improve it, not to mention the hot summer, it is too much.

Therefore, its placement should be light, not stuffy, breathable, the toes should not be easily broken when taking off the boots, and the heel should be soft and comfortable.



What's so special about basketball stockings?

Let's understand the role of basketball professional stockings

How to choose advanced basketball socks?

台長: ehsakfhsn
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