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What are the applicable occasions of USB cameras?

The USB camera is a security camera with a USB interface, plug and play, simple operation, no capture card, no power supply, no disassembly of the chassis, and support for notebook computers. ​1mp camera     Compared with traditional surveillance cameras, the cost is lower, and remote network viewing is possible. Convenient and practical, easy to operate.


Due to the limitation of transmission, USB cameras are suitable for video surveillance in places with a small area and a monitoring distance of less than 40 meters. Generally, small stores, supermarkets, 24-hour stores, clothing stores and other small places are suitable for installation. The USB camera has infrared, and it can shoot normally at night.


​What does MP in a camera mean  

​Features of USB Industrial Cameras

​Introduction to the types of industrial cameras  

台長: ehsakfhsn
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