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I know that you won’t come back. So do I

But why do I still feel painful and helpless.

I can laugh in front of everyone.

Even though deep inside my heart I am still crying.

My friend asked me that how can you be so staunch.

I do not know nether.

Maybe is because I don’t want other people to blame you and me.

And I don’t need compassion or ridicule.

Is that the reason you can leave me so easily?

You know that I can handle it, right?

How sadly if it is.

I really want to ask you that if you can’t stay with me,

can you please come around?

But I know this request is too unreasonable.

You gave me a lot of sense of security.

I can’t depend on you anymore.

I need to find myself back.

I need to transfer the focus from you back to me.

I need to smile just for me.

I don’t know how do you feel about leaving me?

Sadly or relaxing?

It doesn’t matter anymore, does it?

The truth is not going to change no matter what the answer is.

Besides I will be sadder if I know that you are sad too.

台長: 張家村李家口
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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