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2005-08-21 19:44:05

Starting today huh~

My sex life for the year 2005 is officially over. Fine........

2005-08-06 21:50:30

I thought we were friends

Ok that’s enough. I’m sick of having this thing on my mind all the time. What the hell do I even care about? I am so tired of myself feeling this way. I hate to admit it but deep in my heart I k...

2005-06-23 01:57:03


這輩子我只對不起一個人 那絕對不是你 你要認為我對不起你也可以 因為對任何人來說都沒太大的意義 就好像你總是堅持自己很成熟而某某很不負責任一樣 其實是笑話一則 大家心裡很清楚誰還是小孩子 這年頭啊除...

2004-11-07 16:20:53

To say or not to say??

誠實和大嘴巴的差別在哪? 你身邊有沒有一個人是讓你什麼都會告訴他的? 不管任何一件事你就是無法對他說謊或你就是想讓他知道? 這麼信任的一個人可能是最好的朋友可能是家人或是另一半 當你聽到某件事並被告知不能...

2004-11-01 22:00:56

Fahrenheit 911 (華式9/11)

It’s been days I don’t have the internet access. Don’t have to go to work either because of typhoon. And I have cleaned up the toilet and the floor already. And also no much dvd to watch. For all t...

2004-09-07 22:54:54

New York 1999 - 中央公園的早晨遇見Tori Amos

凌晨五點,Yael把我搖醒,說要去中央公園參加一個現場直播的節目錄影, Tori Amos是特別來賓,而且會做現場表演. 為了佔到好位子,Sara, Irne, Yael和我便早早出門. huh~我倒是沒想過可以去看Tori Amos~ NYU位於格...

2004-08-29 22:08:23

New York 1999-第一晚的Hayden Hall

坐了將近一整天的飛機,好不容易走到了甘迺迪機場. 原本以為過海關會拖很久,沒想到半個小時不到就出關了. 走出機場大廳,很容易就找到地鐵站的免費巴士站. 當時交通很亂,一個黑人警衛很不客氣地催促一個白人駕駛把車...

2004-08-26 00:07:52

Can''t sleep again...

Aug. 25. '04 11.56pm Can't sleep again. Maybe i've been sleeping too much these two days and not burning any energy. Been in bed for 20 minutes but was thinking of him. I wonder why after all t...

2004-08-21 18:40:58


為什麼要顧意保送對方造成滿壘呢? 又不是二人出局 靠~~~~~ 超不爽 但事實是日本本來就比較強 我們的打擊實在是球員好壞落差太大 能和日本打到平手不錯了 希望射箭可以拿牌

2004-08-20 01:35:31


沒有一天不想到你 以為我喜歡嗎? 我當然不喜歡 可是想到就是想到 早上一根煙下午二根煙 不忙的時候就想到你 想你在做什麼 想以前和你ciggie break的笑聲 我們其實那麼地近 你就在二個block以外的地方 ...

2004-08-17 00:06:51

機械公敵(I ROBOT)

好久沒看到Will Smith的電影 這次會名字會叫機械公敵一定是因為他以前有部片叫全民公敵 那片是挺好看的 可是拜託不要以後他演的片全都叫 "XX公敵" 這部片很典型的是反省檢討科技帶來的可能危機 和AI人工智慧有...

2004-07-29 23:55:03

About him and her-Diary-39

E, N and L left the office at the same time. They said goodbye then E rode her scooter home. While she was switching her discman, N called her. N "Hey, you gonna bring me to another movie?" E was ...

2004-07-25 22:20:32

Not again, arh~~~~~><

He called me again today while i was in the car with bro dad and sis. I had no choice but to cut it off after it rang twice. It actually ruined my whole evening. I wasn't paying attention to what p...

2004-07-12 03:07:31

Fuck ...

FUCK FUCK FUCK Feel so fucked up today. I actuallay feel pissed off thinking of them. God damn it!!

2004-06-20 02:18:56


剛剛情緒激動寫了一堆幹醮的話 已經刪了 我能說什麼 碰到無賴就是這樣 你真有辦法在pchome找到我 我也只能說你是陰魂不散 你想看就給你看 我還是想寫什麼就寫什麼 可是不要再打電話給我姊了 最後一次警告...

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