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2004-02-13 02:40:16| 人氣32| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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we always think that if we didnt know each other first

走在路上 我絕對不會看他一眼
in the streets, i will never look at him

我可能會發現一個又高又胖不像義大利的人 但絕不會知道 他是個胖好人 而且還會是我男友
maybe i'll find him a tall and "fat" unitalian-looking guy, but i'll never know he is a nice person and he will be my bf

先從外型來說吧 他非常自悲他的鼻子 太高又鷹勾
let's say from the appearance first, he doesn't like his nose, he said:too big, too high and with curve

反而喜歡我的potato鼻 他說感覺就是沒鼻子 他很想要 是褒還貶啊
however, he likes my potato nose. he said it seems i dont have one, he'd like to have mine i don't know it means good or bad><

因為鼻子太高 眼睛感覺好像陷在臉裡 我剛開始也覺得非常奇妙
cuz the nose is too high, it seems that his eyes are too deep inside the face, i felt it very weird at the beginning

cuz this, maybe he thought i always looked at him with "love"

明明身分證上說是綠眼 但我怎麼看都覺得他是黃眼
on the id card it says "green" eyes, but i always said to him with the "u r wrong" face:they r yellow!

後來才發現 原來是眼珠外圍是淡墨綠裡面是黃色的
recently, i found ohhh! its light army green outside and yellow inside of his eyeballs

他胖胖的 像隻超大的熊 我最近不管到哪 都拼命買熊的娃娃和吊飾
he is "a little bit" fat like a super big bear no matter wherever i go recently, i always buy sth about bears

他還很自豪自己擁有一雙又常又直的腿 反正他對自己很滿意啦
he is proud that he has a pair of long and straight legs, after all, he is quite satisfied about himself!

至於他為什麼要留一戳鬍子 也是我們在多次試驗和討論下做的決定
as for his beard, why only on the chin?
it's the result after several discussions and experiments

他以前是落腮鬍 下巴的地方還故意留的很長 你說走在路上 我怎麼會注意他
before, he had moustache and beard all over the face, especially the chin's part he left them growing
how can i notice him, if he is like that?

開始在一起後 就叫他剪短 然後慢慢引誘他剃到只有嘴巴一圈
when we started to be together i asked him to cut them shorter and slowly, i asked him to shave till the circel around the mouth

但還是覺得不好 他在台灣時 我們就試驗沒鬍的style 結果真慘不忍睹
but i still didnt feel satisfied that's why when he was in taiwan
we decided(i asked again) to try the "naked" style
the result is ...unspeakable

皮膚太白 好像小朋友 於是我們決定 只留下巴那一戳
he has white skin, without hair he looks like a baby
at the end we decided that he can save his beard on the chin but only a little

他非常隨合 任我擺佈 我看其他男生早跟我分了吧
he followed what i asked him to i dont think other men will do the same thing for me

恩 他是巨蟹座 為人非常隨合 又超老實
he is a cancer, honest and easy-going

他就是那種你會叫他開車到處送你 且絕不擔心他會變成色狼 你也不用他送禮
he is the kind that u will ask him to drive u home but u wont get worried about he will do sth "bad" to u and also u dont need to buy him dinner to thank him

助人為樂 儘管他有時也會不爽(很少啦) 但他還是會幫人幫到底
he wants to help as many people as he can although rarely he is not happy about some people they r too demanding to him but as u can imagine he still helps till the end

他是第一個開車帶我到處玩的男生 因為有朋自遠方來 他盡力讓我玩的開心
he is the first man who drives me everywhere cuz im a friend he wants me to have a good time no matter im his girl or not

雖然他也老大不小了 可是還是像個小孩一樣
although he is quite 30 (he says it all the time recently,he is afriad being old too^^) but i think he is still like a boy

他當兵時服的是社會役 在托斯坎尼開了10個月的救護車
he did the social service in tuscany for 10 months

他說能開救護車表示技巧非常好 所以他喜歡邊開車邊找東西 吃東西 喝東西 看東西 像馬戲團一樣
he said that the one who drives the ambulance it means he can drive very well thats why he is chosen so he likes to drink ,to eat ,to look around ,to find things under the seats while driving
it's like a circus the performers who do impossible things

但我一生中2次碰撞車禍都是他造成的 經過"溝通"後 他比較注意了(我在車子裡時)
still,all my life i had 2 car bumping accidents, all with him, after we "discussed"
he drives much slower when im inside the car

他個性溫和 但開車時 也像其他義大利人一樣 開飛車 鑽洞 比手勢用髒話罵其他駕駛
he is calm generally, but when its driving he is like other italians racing, snake driving, calling other drivers' names with "gestions"

他動作慢 那是民族性啦 義大利人大部份都是悠閒的態度的過生活 急不得的
he is slow the culture thing most of the italians , they like to face and do everything with this "calm" attitude

台灣人則是急性子 什麼都要快 我覺得我是其中的代表
we taiwanese r rush we want to do all fast and end all fast
im the perfect exemple of this

一慢一急 摩擦當然多 我們經常吵架 但總是不了了之
fast and slow we have fights easily but we hardly have the result at the end

不是我認錯(很少) 就是他閉嘴讓我(通常) 有人說 用英文不知如何吵
i rarely say sorry and usually he is the one who makes peace and try to make me smile
some people they say they dunno how to fight in english

別小看我 只要我不結巴 我說的可溜的很
not me! as long as i dont get "paused" by the words i want to say

也因為吵架 我也學了不少義大利文髒話 日後也現學現賣 加以利用
and also cuz the fight i learned some italian cursed words
and of course i surely will use them next time

我跟他在一起後 變的更開朗和有自信
i became more "happy" and more self-confident with him

因為他爸媽感情很好 他耳濡目染下 對我相當照顧和尊重
cuz after so many years his parents r married they still love each other
i think that's one of the reasons that he always respects me and cares about me

雖然我們之間有很多的困難 但他總是在那支持我 並且永保樂觀
although we have some difficulties we still need to conquer but he is always there supporting me and always keep "optimistic"

這點真的非常重要 因為我非常悲觀
it's very important for me cuz i always look things in the dark side

他總認為兩個人能在一起是最重要的 愛能征服一切 雖然我不太認同
he thinks that it's more important we can stay together "love can conquer everything"
i dont think so much the same

但我必須說 這種人很少了 我要好好珍惜他
but i have to admit that man like him, they r getting rare and rare, i've to cherish him

alfufu ti amo tanto^^

PS. 他說走在路上會看我 但絕對不會搭訕 我這臭臉 就是沒人追過的原因吧
he said he will look at me in the streets but he will never talk to me or try to make friends with me i think it's cuz my face is too "smelling" thats why no one has ever picked me up in the streets

PS. we fighted cuz the translation thing too cuz i was too lazy to do him a favor, i still hope he would like this one!

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