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在義大利過年From natale to befana

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義大利人的過年到底是如何 以前總是聽alfonso說 卻未能體驗
how do the italians celebrate the new year?
alfonso always talked about it but i had never experienced it

這次有機會 當然好好的"體驗"了一番
this time i got the chance, of course i experienced with all myself as much as i could

找從11月起 就有商家迫不及待的張燈結綵
from november, the shops already put on the street xmas lights

大家也漸漸的布置家裡 來迎接聖誕節的到來
every family started to buy decorations for xmas

不只是聖誕樹 綵帶彩球燈飾 還有一項我沒想過的
not only xmas tree but all those shining things for the tree and around the house and there is one thing i didnt imagine

"presepe"就是有一個馬槽還有約翰 瑪麗雅 小耶穌 和一些馬啊牛啊
the presepe, its a little house with joseph ,maria, baby jesus,horses, cows...etc

u can see it when u pass a church during xmas time

當然presepe 有大有小 就像在辦家家酒一樣 可以選擇很多東西來裝飾
and of course presepe has different sizes, its like the little kids who plays with dolls and their houses, u can also choose different things in different styles

alfonso雖不虔誠 但對於這個還蠻有興趣的
alfonso is not a real catholic but he is quite interested in this

我們走了好多家"半圓"商店 mezz'euro shop 才將主要人物選齊
so we walked dozens of half euro shops to choose what we want

我們還去買了很多的燈飾 在加上babbo也有給我們一組
and we also bought several sets of lights including one that babbo gave us

我們裡裡外外的裝上了他們 打開燈後
we put them on the balcony and around the doors
when we turned on all the lights

our house is like the old style karaoke

但開心就好 雖然我看了就想笑 而且覺得如果別人看到很丟臉
but we were so happy , i always laughed when i saw them but if there was somebosy home, i felt embarassed

24號晚上很快就到了 我們整裝到mamma家吃飯
xmas eve soon arrived, we went to parents' home to have dinner looking really "smart"

除了babbo mamma 他哥哥Gianni和阿姨 再加上我 和哥哥的一個女性友人
parents,aunt, ginni and his girl friend and us

7個人吃完 炸花枝圈 炸蟹肉棒 2道義大利麵(白酒蛤痢 和奶油鮭魚)
all of us we ate fried caramary rings, fried crab meat,
2 pastas (vongole and cream salmon)

番茄sauce的魚(baccala') 熟菜(花椰菜和橄欖)沙拉 甜點 水果 咖啡
fish ,vege, salad, dessert, fruits and coffee

佐配紅酒 可樂 整套吃下來2個小時多 餐後mamma給了我們禮物
with wine and coke, we finished the meal near midnight
after the meal mamma gave us presents

就快12點了 這次 我有提前跟mamma說我想去教堂望彌撒
it was quite 12, some days earlier i told her i wanted to go to the church with her

不是為了討她歡心 而是覺得在古老的教堂 聽著聖歌 感覺會很不同吧
not to flatter her but i felt it would be too great to listen the xmas songs standing in an old church

but we walked in the wind to a big modern church just 5 mins away

進去時 要點聖水畫十字架 alfonso才講完是 上下左右
before we entered , u need to draw a cross with holy water
alfonso just told me its up down left right

then i didnt know why my hand did this ,i drew up down right left

因為三八 穿的是很高的靴子 神父在講話時 都必須站著
cuz i wore very high boots and we need to keep standing while father was giving the speech

又飽又累腳又痛 我竟也學別人跪著祈福 順便讓我的腳輕鬆一點
i was full tired and feets were hurting
i also kneeled down to pray in order to relax my feets

一個小時的彌撒 真的是感覺不同
i felt totally different after 1 hour's ceremony

隔天 mamma像在做外燴的 把所有能先煮好的搬到lunghezza
the next day ,at the lunch time, mamma took everything cooked to lunghezza

是的 我們要再吃一頓
thats right! another big meal

24號晚上只能吃魚 25號要一直吃肉
fish only for xmas eve and meat only for 25

所以 義大利麵 烤雞烤牛烤香腸 沙拉甜點 咖啡
so pasta ,roast chicken ,beef ,sausages, salad, dessert and coffee

我真的吃不下了 所以午餐就在義大利麵和"一些"牛肉下結束 留下mamma的嘆氣
but i couldnt eat anymore so we left some meat at the end
i think mamma felt "disappointed" a little

晚上又到mamma家去玩tombola 不只我們 包括alfonso舅舅家大大小小9人
the evening, we went to parents' home again to play tombola
not only us but all the family from uncle's

一大群人玩著類似bingo的遊戲 當然也有小小賭了一下
tombola is somehow like bingo and of course played with some little coins

我也在大家面前秀上我的義大利數字發音 反應還不錯
i also showed italian numbers in front of the whole family
they seemed understand me^^

因為小朋友要用英文講數字 他們也讓孩子從很小學英文
and the little kids had to say numbers in english too
they learn english from small as well

the festival ended in fullness and joyfulness

31號那天 我們還是在mamma家吃了中飯 因為晚上大家都有活動
the end of the year we still had lunch at parents' home
cuz everybody had the plan for the night already

babbo mamma 要去跳舞 gianni和朋友們烤肉
the parents' went to dance, gianni had barbecue party with friends

我們兩人自己在家過 吃著mamma準備的食物
as for us, we passed together at home
had the food mamma prepared

喝著babbo朋友釀的酒 快到12點時 大家以迫不及待的釋放煙火
drank the wine made by babbo's friend
not even the midnight , people couldnt wait anymore to set the fireworks

環繞四周 (我們家有3個陽台) 煙霧迷濛
around the house (cuz we have 3 balconies) it was all smoky

12點到 大家像發瘋了一樣 狂放鞭炮和煙火 我們就在煙火瀰漫下
at 12 sharp, it was outrageous, people set the fireworks like crazy
so in the smoky chilly air

在陽台喝香檳慶祝 這是我們第一個跨年
we had spumante out in the balcony
its our first new year together

i dont know if it was too cold or my skirt was too short

隔天樂極生悲 我的脖子又硬了 不能動
the next day i couldnt move my neck

1月1日中午 mamma又帶外燴來 吃完午餐 mamma幫我按摩了一下脖子
the first day of the year, we had mamma's cuisine in lunghezza
after lunch, she massaged my neck

過了3天才好 這三天就在床上和alfonso玩bingo遊戲 不亦樂乎啊
i felt better after 3 days , in these 3 days we played bingo all the time

1月6日是befana 它是個女巫但像聖誕老公公一樣放禮物在襪子裡
the 6th of january ,its epifania, befana is a witch who is like the santa claus puts presents in the socks

we went to caporciano on the 4th

因為alfonso說 l'aquila有盛會 我一定要看看
cuz alfonso told me i have to see the great scene in l'aquila

4號回去 見了另一半還沒見過親戚 順邊參加alfonso舅公生日
after we arrived we visited other relatives i hadnt seen
also partecipated the birthday of mamma's uncle

5號就去l'aquila 真的是人擠人 擠的水洩不通
the fifth , we went to l'aquila, every street every alley was full of people and stands

的確是一個超大的市集 巷道裡全百滿了攤位 很有趣
it was really a huge market , it was fun

但東西大同小異 所以只幫babbo mamma買了衣服當befana的禮物
but the things r almost the same like other little street markets

從24號到6號 跟中國新年差不多 氣氛熱烈 義大人真的很愛也很會搞熱鬧
from 24 dec to 6 jan, its quite like chinese new year
in these days, great atmosphere everywhere, italians really love and know how to have fun

在台北我們家 過年的氣氛一年比一年淡
in taipei in my family, new year's festival atmosphere became lighter and lighter

經過這個義大利年 更堅定我要回台灣過年的想法
after this italian year, i was sure i must come back to join my family again

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