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The internal and external threads are squeezed

The anti-loose and drop-resistant screw is a special technology to permanently attach special engineering plastics to the threads, so that the internal and external threads are squeezed during the locking process.Anti-loosening of screws has always been a serious problem in industrial manufacturing and industrial products, and even a fatal hidden danger.

The anti-loose and drop-resistant screw was first invented in the United States more than 30 years ago. Once the screw is slightly loosened, the pressure decreases, and the friction quickly disappears and loses the retraction effect, causing the screw to loosen. Screws that have undergone anti-loosening treatment are called anti-loose and drop-resistant screws, which are most suitable for the fastening of moving parts.

This special engineering plastic—commonly known as anti-drop glue, is suitable for bolts and nuts of various shapes and various metal materials as an anti-loosening treatment. Anti-loose and drop-resistant screws were first used in American aerospace aircraft. Once the anti-loosening and drop-proof screws are locked in, friction will China Deck Screws be generated immediately and permanent.

Later, anti-loose and drop screws were promoted to the American automobile manufacturing industry. According to the screw factory, the special engineering plastic on the anti-loose and drop-resistant screws has strong elasticity and memory ability, so the anti-loose and drop-resistant screws can be disassembled repeatedly for 5 to 50 times, and the anti-loose and drop-resistant screws still have the anti-loose function.

台長: deckzinc
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