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It may become scrap copper and aluminum

If there is no order, do not keep inventory, otherwise it may become scrap copper and aluminum, which is a huge waste. First of all, the process principle of copper wire rod and steel wire rod is similar.. It is a tool to use the physics and mathematics principles of the oblique circular rotation of the object and the friction force to gradually fasten objects and parts. They are the foundation of fastening everything.

It is best to leave the aluminum for a period of time to produce an oxide film on its surface. However, there are not many special screw factories specializing in copper and aluminum screws processing in China. In the end, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to completely guarantee the non-sticky film, so you can only watch the production by one person and one machine, and immediately stop the machine to remove the aluminum scraps and restart the production when the mold sticks. .

Secondly, pay attention to aluminum wire and copper wire.Screws are common in daily life. The main thing is that when you buy copper wire rod and aluminum wire rod, you only order raw materials if you have a certain order. Aluminum scraps and copper scraps are very easy to stick in the mold cavity and cause product scratches.

In addition, lubricants (solid, powder,) should be sprayed on the aluminum surface during production to minimize the phenomenon of sticking to the mold. Because copper screws and aluminum screws have excellent electrical conductivity and heat dissipation properties, they have a wide range of applications, such as the power industry, home appliances, lighting and other industries.

This can reduce the chance of sticking. Copper and aluminum are very soft. China Socket Sets The screw factory explained the process of processing copper screws and aluminum screws

台長: deckzinc
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重) | 個人分類: Machine Screws |
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此分類上一篇:Aluminum pull stud is a kind of fastener

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