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2003-05-13 04:22:05| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Best Of The Best~*

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"你玩得開心d 啦,有乜你同我講呀,知唔知呀?" Christine is the best~*

Yeah~ Siu Ma is the best of the best~*

True... i really dun have real friends these days... all of them are so shitty... yeah~ i mean YOU!!! but hey, i still got two~* And they are the best~!!!

When I was down, they must support me although they can't stand right next to me~ i am so appreciated this... Yeah~ Friends should be like this... dun need to see each other all the time but we can still feel each other. Sweet~*
Luv U~*

台長: CoLdYeE~*
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