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2007-05-14 09:35:06| 人氣372| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ang Lee’s "Lust, Caution", not ready for film festivals ye

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Hong Kong, May 9 (AP): Oscar-winning Taiwanese director Ang Lee is deeply engrossed in editing his new spy thriller "Lust, Caution" and the movie isn’t ready to be entered in any film festivals yet, his assistant said on Wednesday.

The comments contradicted a report on the Web site of state-run China Film Group saying the movie will premiere at the Venice Film Festival in early September.

"Ang is currently deep in post-production. He is still in the process of cutting the film," his assistant David Lee said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

"We have not planned when and where the premiere will be. And, we are not ready for film festivals yet," Lee said.

"Lust, Caution," based on a short story by famed Chinese writer Eileen Chang, is about a group of patriotic students who plot to assassinate the intelligence chief in the Japanese-backed Chinese government during the World War II era.

It features Cannes best actor winner Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Joan Chen from "The Last Emperor," and Chinese-American pop star Leehom Wang.

Ang Lee won best director Oscar in 2006 for the gay romance "Brokeback Mountain."

台長: Claudia
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