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Messages for Leehom

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Friday March 17, 2006 The Star Online eCentral

RADIO station 988 is giving you the chance to murmur words to superstar Wang Leehom.

The station is organising a special SMS session in conjunction with his newly released Heroes of Earth. The singer will be here for the Malaysian Promo Tour from today till Monday.

Send your messages, questions and greetings to LeeHom. Type LH your name your messages to Leehom, and send to 32733. 988 will deliver your messages to him.

Leehom will take his Malaysia tour across the nation and will be in Malacca, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. You can start to SMS from now until March 21. Browse www.988.com.my for more information.


台長: Claudia
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