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2007-10-06 08:43:39| 人氣755| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

筱玉姐姐 give me the blessing

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筱玉姐姐 give me the blessing
It is almost the end of a memorable year;
I hope you have a brand new start and a more memorable year.

You have worked hard throughout the year;
I hope you keep working hard and earn experience and wisdom from the work.

You have lived your life energetically;
I hope you live both energetically and in the most suitable style, while you walk with God in the coming year.

God bless you, lovely Angel.

God, thank you give me the net friend, she is good and a writer with You.
Bless her and give her some ideas from You.
God, bless me have a new direction with you.
I’m one year in You. I’m happy. Thank you choose me.
I love you, O Lord. Praise you. My senior life also have your blessing.
Aunt pray for me. But I didn’t know you. From junior high school to senior high school, I have some christian classmates around me.
Thank you, O Lord.
Jesus’s name pray

台長: Angel
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