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2007-09-18 21:54:19| 人氣50| 回應5 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

How does TV affect people

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TV is something important in our life.We use it to watch news to know what happen on the world.We also watch variety to relax ourselves.Nowadays,many programs can help us increase knowledge.For example,we can watch HBO to learn English.On the other hand,TV is not always good.Such as violence、terrible movies are not agree with children.Manybe children would learn something bad on it.And children always cost many time on watching TV.It is bad for their health and thier study.TV is a necessary thing to people but choosing a good programs is important.

台長: 練習英文俱樂部
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鳥鳥 ♫
連標題都打錯 XD

people affect people ?!
2007-09-18 22:51:45
有打錯嘛?= =
2007-09-19 22:18:41
鳥鳥 ♫
有有有 !!

他偷改 ˊˋ

本來是How does people affect people XD

卑鄙的豬豬  ~~~~~~~~
2007-09-19 22:51:10
TV is something important in our life.We use it to watch news to know what happen on the world.We also watch variety to relax ourselves.Nowadays,many programs can help us increase knowledge.For example,we can watch HBO to learn English.On the other hand,TV is not always good.Such as violence、terrible movies are not agree with children.Manybe children would learn something bad on it.And children always cost many time on watching TV.It is bad for their health and thier study.TV is a necessary thing to people but choosing a good programs is important.

2007-09-20 02:57:14
your artical is too short
2007-09-21 21:21:03
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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