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[ 專題 ] 打造一個無菌育兒房的十個小撇步

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10 Simple Tips for a Germ-Free Nursery

Posted by Jennie Canzoneri

on May 4, 2010 at 7:15 PM


Photo by Jennie Canzoneri

Keeping the nurseryclean is tougher than I thought it'd be. Babies can be dirty, no way around it!

Sometimes a list of tips and tricks is just what new moms need. Like this list from Dr. Benjamin Tanner:

1. Identify the germ hot spots, such as the changing table, laundry basket, toy chest, and floor.

2. Learn the difference between cleaners and disinfectants, as the former won't kill germs like the latter will.

3. Keep cleaning products in a set place, always away from children.

4. Contain messes and germs when changing dirty diapers. Avoid touching waste and dispose of diapers quickly in a contained place (a Diaper Genie or closed trash can).

5. Keep antibacterial sanitizer or soap and water close by and use it often.

6. Keep bottles away from germ hot spots (such as the changing table) and only touch bottles with clean hands.

7. Keep a special hamper just for soiled clothes.

8. Clean the nursery, especially germ hot spots, when your baby has been sick to minimize the spread of sick germs.

9. When parents or other people who are sick come in and out of the home, try and keep those germs out of the nursery as much as possible.

10. Try to keep pets out of the nursery.


打造一個無菌育兒房的十個小撇步 By Jennie Canzoneri


要保持育兒房的乾淨比我想像中的還要困難。小孩子或許是髒的,但是你我都知道這個避免不了的。新手媽媽因為缺乏經驗,所以比起已有經驗的媽媽更須要許多育兒的相關消息和知識。Dr. Benjamin Tanner在這裡就提供了一份如何打造並保持一個無菌育兒房的十個小方法:

1. 尋找並確定病菌出現的地方 。例如 : 換尿布的桌子、小孩子的洗衣籃、玩具箱和地板。

2. 學習並知道清潔劑和消毒劑的不同。清潔劑是沒辦法殺死病菌的,但是消毒劑是可以的。

3. 將清潔用品安全放置在小孩子沒辦法取得的地方。

4. 更換髒的尿布時要遏制混亂和病菌的產生。避免碰觸排泄物並迅速的將尿布放入專屬的置物筒。例如 : Diaper Genie 專放臭尿布用的尿布精靈和密閉的垃圾桶。

5. 準備消毒殺菌劑或是肥皂並常常使用。

6. 將奶瓶放置於遠離病菌出現的地方,並確保在碰觸奶瓶時妳的雙手是清潔過的。

7. 準備一個有蓋的大提籃,專門放置沾染到排泄物的衣物。

8. 勤打掃育兒房,尤其是病菌容易出末的地方。當小baby生病時,要將散佈的病菌減到最小。

9. 當家中有生病的人在進進出出時,須要盡最大的可能將這些病菌隔離在育兒房外。

10. 盡量不要讓家中的寵物進入育兒房。

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