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2013-06-19 10:11:44| 人氣415| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Burnie - Atlantic EP

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這是我本月在英國(UK)音樂廠牌Slime Recordings出版的最新作品
"Atlantic EP"

Burnie - Atlantic (Clip)

"Atlantic"和"Future City Film Club"
可歸類為Future Garage風格吧
"Duke"則是帶有4拍4節奏的Deep House風格作品

Burnie - Duke (Clip)

"Slime heads to Macau for it's next installment of future music, this time courtesy of up and coming producer Burnie. Moonlighting from his work in electronica outfit Evade, here he delivers three cuts of beautiful music full of sensuality and emotion.

'Atlantic' drifts into view like a summer breeze, all sun-blushed haze and dream-like chords, pinned to a framework of skittering percussion. Half-whispered vocals soar around the track like ghosts in the machine, adding to the mystery.

Burnie - Future City Film Club (Clip)

'Duke' brings the heat with a jacking groove straight out of Chicago circa 1986, deconstructed for the future with ethereal vocal embellishments and off-kilter piano stabs.

'Future City Film Club' drops a relaxed 2-step shuffle over reverberating vocals and bubbling basslines. Shimmering chords glide along the surface as acid tweaks gently encase the track in a feeling of harmony."

Slime Recordings

Related Post(相關內容):
Burnie "Future City Film Club" was supported by Sub FM (UK) Whistla's Show

台長: BrAnDoN 布蘭頓
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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