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2009-05-20 18:52:42| 人氣840| 回應0 | 上一篇

Anyone noes a japanese drama called 篤姬?

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'm certain that everybody knew it already~

I reli reli reli love this drama~ it's not as bored as other drama~cuz drama usually always talks abt love or something else~and that's reli lame!

I don't mean that i like history~just mean that i like the content of the drama~

and the main character is reli cute~ but i don't think she illustrates that character very well~ cuz her appearance doesn't suit the actual person(篤姬in reality)~

By the way, i didn't like the 將軍at the beginning cuz he's reli mental and crazy~but later on i knew that he was just acting crazy~ then i started to admire him~ *sparkling eyes* he's my favourite character in this drama.

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