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2003-04-23 22:44:36| 人氣262| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ABC Jean

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Hi,everyone. My name is Jean.

I'm now a graduate student majoring in computer science.

My hobbies are singing, reading books, and idling all day.

I'm the type of person that enjoys life, but sometimes gets stuck in
depression or stress. You can say I'm an emotional person.

But this doesn't mean I'm not easy to get along with. In fact, I'm
quite talkative and friendly. Many people who'd ever talked with me face to face said that I have an expressive face. (Some of them even said that I looked like a cartoon character. //faint)

I'm glad to meet you all in ABCClub, and have the chance to chat with you in English. :-)

(p.s. I want to apologize for not being able to attend the meeting last


台長: yulin
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