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2003-04-04 13:31:13| 人氣210| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

ABC Yulin

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Hello! I'm yulin. Born with a
passionate soul, I would describe myself as friendly, kind of witty, thoughtful, and definitely
extrovertive ^ ^ . (If I look cool, it must be the temperature
^^" )

Amazed by the wonder and beauty of the world, it has been my sacred
mission to explore and learn all
kinds of fascinating knowledge
since I was a kid ^ ^ . So, as
the "faithful servant" of Muse and Science ^ ^" !!! Physics, art,
psychology, history, economics,
sociology and so on are all dear
to me like good old friends ^ ^ .
And for the one thing(ring) that rule them all ^ ^" ------ is "life science" ! The Holy Grail! The
search and request of "what we are" right down to the "molecular level"! And the reason I study
biochemistry ^ ^ ....

As a firm belief: "only a colorful life is the unregrettable one^^ !" I enjoying a great variety of activities apart from reading, such as dancing,listening to the wonderful music, kung-fu practicing, rambling in the wild... to name a few ^ ^ ! And surely, all these things won't be
so delightful and enjoyable without friends to share with! I always welcome friendship ^ ^ !

After receiving the Bachelor of chemistry in Tamkang university, I'm by far under obligation as an alternative compulsory serviceman in 瑞芳 scenic bureau, which includes 金瓜石,九份 ^ ^ ;
meanwhile, preparing to study
abroad for fascinating researches and irreplaceable experiences with colleagues of the same field ^^ !!!

It's delightful to have someone
like "BOSS"& "Monkey" so
enthusiastic to hold this club as a medium for us to practice
English. Here I cheer them with all respect, and may everyone find improvements and fun through this club ^ ^ !


in the misty mountain

台長: yulin
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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