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高雄英文進修 如何?英文 kaolishan formation中文意思是什麼

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    高雄英文進修 如何?英文英語補習班推薦 美語學校如何學唱歌 ?英文的方法 雅思補習班多益學習網 用youtube學英文全民英檢中高級 全民英檢模擬試題英語家教班 免費聽英文故事推薦英語補習班 ipad 學英文 tutorabc線上學英文英文學習影片 邊上班邊學英文 如何學習英文



kaolishan formation中文意思是什麼

kaolishan formation解釋


  • formation: n. 1. 構成,形成;設立;編制。2. 組織,構造;形態;形成物,構造物;【軍事】編隊,隊形;兵團。3. 【地質學;地理學】層;組; 【生物學】社區;(植物)群系。adj. -al

  • In the transformation from abstractive numerals to virtual formation of product, human being is lacking the real feelings on the formation, thus there will naturally be many unreasonable places in the being designed pro duct

  • The sedimentation is the foundation, affecting the basic pattern of the reservoir, and the sedimentary facies zones beneficial to the formation and evolution of the reservoir includes platform edge bank facies, introplatform point beach facies and acclivity sedimentary facies, etc. ; the diagenesis is the key factor, determining the pattern and scope of the final distribution of the reservoir and being of great influence on reservoir structure, and the diagenesis of promoting the formation of storage rooms is mainly the dissolution occurred during hypergene stage and burial stage ; and the tectonism is the condition of influencing the connectivity among various reservoir bodies and among the storage rooms within a single reservoir body

  • Strain hn could ammonize organic nitrogen compounds and nitrify ammonia itself when it grew on acetamide companying the formation of ammonia and nitrite

  • Subject title means the competence to be adscription of legal rights and responsibilities, and has shown an emphasis on the factor of reason since modern times begun. “ b rgerliches gesetzbuch ( abr. as bgb in following text ) ” created the word “ rechtsfaehigkeit ” to take the place of “ personalite ” to meet the requirement of format兒童英文班 英聽訓練 一對一英文家教老師ion. and the non - ethical rechtsfaehigkeit became then the token of civil subject in code

  • Formation and control of structure of carbon aerogel


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    kaolishan formation中文意思是什麼
      高雄英文家教網 影片學英文英文家教鐘點費2015 國小英文家教 快樂學英語美語補習班 gept英檢中高級 學測英文 台灣學英文免費學英文的網站 英文會話 補習動畫學英文 英文學習方式 情境會話美語補習班比較 全民英檢初級複試 學英文推薦免費英文學習 報名英檢商用英語對話 家教 英文 行動教學打工遊學 外籍老師 英文


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